Networks of produccción and territorial dynamics in Guadalajara

  • Miguel Ángel Rivera Ríos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • María Guadalupe Chapman Ríos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Lila Ilianova Sánchez Carbajal Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Rosalba Polanco Piñeros Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


This article analyzes the spatial dynamics of Guadalajara taken an alternative theoreticalbasis related to knowledge network framework as productive ecosystem. The territorial restructuringactivities that began to be experienced in the 1980s accelerated in the 2000s,was commanded by global firm subsidiaries specialized in design and product testing mainlyin automotive control systems (fireware or embedded software). The central role taken byglobal firm subsidiaries was pivotal to a new mode of interrelationship between the variousbusiness and non-business actors in the region. The new and the previous models of businessand territorial organization are briefly compared, stressing the changes in the relationshipbetween firms, universities and government organizations. In order to the new ecosystem to perform its role in essential to satisfy the demand of knowledge workers (engineers onict) which in turn depends on role plays by universities and the interaction between themand the leading firms. The collective action coming from local and foreigners entrepreneurssupported by the local government, prepared the ground for this process to operate andcreated several spillovers. The article is based on field research and framed in the literatureon international outsourcing, knowledge economy and technological learning.

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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Rivera Ríos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Doctor en Economía por la UNAM. Posdoctorado en Historia por la UCLA
María Guadalupe Chapman Ríos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Doctora en Economía por la UNAM
Lila Ilianova Sánchez Carbajal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Maestría en Economía, UNAM,
Rosalba Polanco Piñeros, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Doctora en Economía por la UNAM