Considerations concerning the contemporary crisis

  • Héctor Guillén Romo Facultad de Economía,UNAM


The world this economy in crisis, and there are consequences devastating, as well as evident symptoms of which the problems for the population not estan solved, only hidden per debt decades. The fundamental source of the current crisis is the loss of constant vitality of the capitalist advanced economies. The neoliberalism constructed on the financiarización, the desreglamentación and the globalization, turned out to be very fragile for it was facing successfully the crisis. The results of this politics have been disastrous, the unemployment I increase and the devastating effects on the company that is impoverished intensively are an evidence. The European construction progressively shut in itself in an institutional configuration that was turning around the neoliberal beginning to such a degree that the crystallized doctrine became consubstantial to the structure itself. The irrationality of the public policies aúna to the disasters of the private finance adding recession to the recession. In the matter one warns that the innovations can be regulated and increase the transparency, but this will not change anything, since it is the competitive mechanism the one that incites the investors to the blindness. A real regulation has to point to question the primacy reminded the financial markets


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