The course of the Argentine under the kirchnerismo

  • Alejandro Dabat


This paper describes the process of economic change that had taken place in Argentina from the critical situation in 2001, till the increasingly gdp growth rates averaging 8-9% between 2003 and 2010. A historical approach has been taken to embrace the evolutionary process of the Argentinean economy since the 1950s Peronist Era to the Menem’s currency fixed parity one to one peso-dollar. Several changing international factors that have contributed to this Argentinean positive economic shift into the global context have been taken in mind: the crisis of neoliberalism; the adoption of a similar economic approach as Lula in Brazil; the increased Argentinean soybean exports to China. Internally, however, the overcoming of the 2001 economic crisis has been due to a heterodox economic policy, shaping a new option to the external public debt service. Also, some timely alliances by Kirchner have been crucial to the great popular acceptance, although with some electoral setbacks. We conclude that such new face of the Argentinean State has benefited the people through several social programs, aimed to recovering the welfare of the population, though there still remain open significant challenges in this new decade.

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