The development of the ideas of the Cepal

  • Hugo Beteta


The authors do a reflection on the contributions of the CEPAL, his path and influence in Latin America in the long term. They warn that the region has not managed to close the gaps of revenue for inhabitant that they separate it from the developed world, since the current distance is still major that 50 years ago. His inventory of the ideas of the CEPAL in his almost seven decades of existence, highlights the continuity and the change in the interpretations and recommendations of the Commission concerning the agenda of development of the region. They check also the premises in the persistent search of an integral development sustained in political effective consensuses, which recognize the principal obstacles to the development and the strategies to remove and to advance them towards a structural change for the equality. They highlight the need of an integrated vision of the development, with a virtuous dynamics of economic growth and increase supported of the employment and the productivity, with a macroeconomic politics with an industrial and social politics articulated concerning an agenda of sustainable development of long term, for which is necessary that the State assumes a more active role the economy in coordination with the private sector and the labor one in the frame of a renewed social agreement to achieve a structural change for the equality together with a system of social universal protection

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